1-minute read
Liberty Is a Prerequisite of The Good Life
If we want to sell people on our ideas, we must sell them on classical liberalism as a philosophical tradition that rests on some genuinely valuable ethical foundations, and not just on a narrow or caricatured vision of economic growth. Hence the impetus of this essay.
3-minute read
Milton Friedman still trumps Klaus Schwab
People shouldn’t be fooled by the visions of Klaus Schwab and others who dream of a better, greener, and more equal “stakeholder” capitalism.
5-minute read
We do have a collective action problem. It’s called the state
The state can potentially be a helpful servant, when controlled by proper institutions and traditions, but can also be a terrible master.
MEI – Freedom of expression: Censorship is expensive – Maria Lily Shaw
Interview with Maria Lily Shaw, Economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, about the collateral economic harm associated with limits to free speech. Broadcast on January 18, 2021, on CTV News at Noon – Montreal.
4-minute read
Freedom of expression is under attack in Canada
While Canada is a relatively free country, the pandemic has exacerbated our pre-existing shortcomings in terms of freedom of expression.
4-minute read
Il faut protéger notre liberté d’expression
Au cours des dernières années, un mouvement important de censure s’est établi au sein des médias, du milieu académique et de la population en général. Pourquoi doit-on s’inquiéter de ce mouvement?
9-minute read
Canada Must Do More to Protect and Encourage Freedom of Expression
A climate of censorship seems to be taking hold on our university campuses, within our cultural institutions, and even among the general public. This new puritanism hurts the economy and makes Quebecers poorer. Indeed, this publication shows that we would be richer if we had even more freedom of expression.
4-minute read
Un canular qui en dit long sur l’extrême gauche
Les débats d’idées, ainsi que l’économie de marché en général, sont menacés par ces tendances et il faut en prendre conscience.
3-minute read
How government subsidies cause economic destruction
In his 1946 book Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt observed that “government ‘encouragement’ to business is sometimes as much to be feared as government hostility.”
5-minute read
The Lessons to Be Learned from Past Pandemics
In addition to a health crisis, the coronavirus pandemic raises concerns about an economic crisis. While several commentators draw parallels with the Spanish influenza, this MEI publication analyzes the economic lessons that should be learned from this historical episode.