1-minute read
Canada must have a deadline for returning to budgetary balance
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said this week that she didn’t want to set a deadline for the return to a balanced budget.
Free Stuff Isn’t Free
Taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for this endless government spending. The sound management of public finances is not just a concept, but an absolute necessity for the well-being of the population.
1-minute read
The Mirage of American Economic Nationalism
Economic nationalism unfortunately seems to be in vogue south of the border, and the latest Buy American provisions may have serious repercussions for Canadian manufacturers.
3-minute read
With high inflation, capital gains are overtaxed even more
Considerations of both tax fairness and tax competitiveness therefore suggest Canadian governments need to adjust for inflation in calculating capital gains taxes.
4-minute read
Amazon: laissons les consommateurs choisir
Amazon figure aujourd’hui parmi les plateformes transactionnelles préférées des Québécois. Le ministre de l’Économie du Québec se dit inquiet et compte concurrencer cette plateforme avec Le Panier Bleu.
4-minute read
Avec l’inflation galopante, les gains en capital seront encore plus surtaxés
Dans le contexte inflationniste actuel, une décision plus judicieuse pour le gouvernement du Canada serait d’intégrer l’inflation dans le calcul de l’impôt sur les gains en capital.
4-minute read
Into strong winds, the central bank stays the course
The rising cost of living has pushed the central bank to act, and it has acted wisely, raising the policy interest rate. Now the federal government has to act.
13-minute read
The Capital Gains Tax and Inflation: How to Favour Investment and Prosperity
The inflation rate in Canada has been rising constantly for several months now. Expansionary monetary policies, as well as the economic sanctions accompanying the Russia-Ukraine war, suggest that significant inflation may be with us for the medium to long term. High inflation erodes consumers’ purchasing power, and also has a negative impact on Canadian taxpayers—including through the capital gains tax, an issue the MEI’s researchers examined in this publication.
1-minute read
Budgetary Balance: A Fantasy for the Federal Government
The federal government loosens the purse strings with such ease that there is good reason to worry about the national debt—already gargantuan—of over $1.262 trillion.
4-minute read
Taxer les banques… ou les épargnants?
Les mesures politiques populistes telles que l’augmentation des impôts sur les banques et les compagnies d’assurance entraînent des coûts substantiels pour les consommateurs et les épargnants.