4-minute read
Obésité: taxer les boissons sucrées n’est pas la solution
The ineffectiveness of a soda tax.
1-minute read
Une véritable assurance-emploi
Employment Insurance reform.
5-minute read
Le cartel des libraires
The concept of a fixed book price.
3-minute read
Union membership decreases when workers have a choice
Unions and right-to-work laws.
4-minute read
The High Cost of Low Prescription Drug Prices
Certain ill-advised public policies are contributing to the increased frequency of drug shortages.
4-minute read
Le prix unique du livre : l’échec français
The concept of fixed book price agreement.
3-minute read
Bring western oil to Quebec
Are pipelines dangerous?
1-minute read
Ne craignons pas le bilinguisme
The use of French in the workplace.
4-minute read
Un prix unique du livre serait archaïque et néfaste
The concept of fixed book price agreement.
1-minute read
Are Soda Taxes A Cure For Obesity?
Roughly one in four Canadian adults is obese ‒ with the percentage of obese Canadians continuing to rise. Every year, obesity results in billions of dollars in preventable health care costs for governments, taxpayers, employers and families. To reverse this trend, many public health advocates, among whom the Ontario Medical Association, have been calling for various types of taxes and regulation on fatty and sugary foods. These include a "soda tax," that is, a tax on soft drinks and other sweetened beverages.