3-minute read
My energy transition
As manager of my own financial assets, I am a supporter of passive management. But since the start of 2021, I’ve made an exception with my family’s two TFSAs.
4-minute read
Ban on Hydrocarbons: Quebec is asleep at the well
Against all economic logic, and even environmental logic, the Quebec government finally decided yesterday, during the premier’s inaugural speech, to definitively ban fossil fuel exploration and development in the province.
5-minute read
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Reducing GHG Emissions
With GHG emission reduction targets getting ever more ambitious, and the pressing need for concrete results, the technological tools at our disposal keep improving. This publication looks at CO2 capture, utilization, and storage/sequestration (CCUS) technologies, which are playing a bigger and bigger role and could allow us to reach our targets without compromising our standard of living.
4-minute read
Hydrocarbures: une erreur historique de Québec
Cette semaine, nous apprenions que le gouvernement Legault irait de l’avant avec l’interdiction de l’exploration pour de l’énergie fossile au Québec.
3-minute read
Canada’s plan for climate change needs to use all the tools in its artillery
Largely absent from the mainstream dialogue on the shifting energy landscape is any pragmatic talk about the productive use of carbon emissions.
4-minute read
Reducing our emissions without penalizing rural regions
After many years of public policies aimed at reducing GHGs, layered one on top of the other, it’s time to ask ourselves if our rural regions are not being penalized disproportionately by all of these measures.
3-minute read
The oil and gas industry is helping rein in Alberta’s deficit. Can it also help lower GHGs?
If we want to have a chance of hitting this ambitious target, we need to shift the narrative from blaming the oil and gas industry to embracing it as an integral part of the solution.
4-minute read
Instaurer des politiques environnementales sans pénaliser nos régions
Après de nombreuses années où se sont multipliées les politiques publiques visant à réduire les émissions de GES, il est temps de faire le point sur l’application et les résultats de ces mesures.
16-minute read
Environmental Policies Should Be Adapted for Rural Canadians
For many years, governments have been piling measure upon measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, all in an effort to fight climate change. This Economic Note published by the MEI analyzes the extent to which these public policies have a disproportionate impact on the country’s rural regions.
2-minute read
Election 2021 – The Economy and the Environment: How to Juggle These Two Priorities
The economy and the environment are two major concerns for Canadians in the current election. A number of irreconcilable objectives are driving public debate surrounding these matters.