

Maria Lily Shaw

Associate Researcher

Maria Lily conducts research using government websites, among other sources, and ensures the accuracy and integrity of the data contained in our work. She is always on the lookout for new data and information that could be of interest to the general public and enhance our publications. Besides the free coffee and her wonderful coworkers, what Maria likes the most about her work is collaborating with professionals and experts in various fields who share their views about what’s happening on the ground.

Maria Lily holds a master’s degree in economics from McGill University. Prior to her graduate studies, she studied at the Université de Montréal and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics. She completed the honors program and earned a mention of excellence, in addition to being involved in the Economics Students’ Association at the Université de Montréal (AÉÉSÉUM). In her free time, Maria likes to stretch her legs outside, either downhill skiing, going for a walk, or hiking up a mountain. She was an Economist at the MEI from September 2020 to July 2022.

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