Henri Lepage
Senior Fellow
Henri Lepage holds a diploma from the Institut d’Études politiques de Paris, department of Économie publique, and from the London School of Economics. He was assistant editor and in charge of the economic section for the magazine Enterprise. He is the author of many articles and books such as Demain le capitalisme (1978), Autogestion et capitalisme (1978), Demain le libéralisme (1980), Vive le commerce (1982), Pourquoi la propriété (1985) and La nouvelle économie industrielle (1990). He is also a frequent collaborator of many French magazines and daily papers. Along with his successful author career, Henri Lepage was a professor at the Université Paris-IX-Dauphine and personal adviser of Alain Madelin, Minister of Enterprises and Economic Development from 1993 to 1995.